Today everyone wants a beautiful smile and with the advances in cosmetic dentistry there is no reason you should be unhappy with the way your teeth look. It is now easier than ever before to restore a lifelike and natural looking beauty to teeth that are stained, chipped, crooked, missing or separated by spaces.
The following examples are stock photos and not actual patients.
Custom bleaching trays worn for only 30 minutes each day can dramatically change your appearance.
Composite resin can be directly laminated to your teeth producing stunning results in about an hour.
Laboratory fabricated veneers represent one of the finest results that cosmetic dentistry can offer. Whether porcelain or pressed ceramics are used the results can be truly amazing. Improvements in dental materials, fabrication processes, and dental adhesive technologies assure the longevity of your veneers when properly maintained. Today ultra thin veneers called Lumineers can achieve these results with no tooth reduction.
Missing teeth can be easily restored with dental implants. This procedure eliminates the need to cut into the neighboring teeth to secure the replacement tooth.
Old metal/porcelain crowns can now be replaced with all-ceramic crowns. The optical properties of these new ceramics allow for a much more natural appearance when compared to crowns that contain a metal substructure. Toady's cosmetic dentists have many new and exciting materials to choose from to create your smile makeover.
Cosmetic dentistry is not just limited to your front teeth. Old silver-mercury fillings (amalgam) can now be replaced with tooth-colored restorations for a more natural appearance.